Let's All Love Remilia: Notes On Network Spirituality

Written by bonkle k. for Remilia Quarterly Issue 1 SS 2024

Preface of Findings

  1. Desire is a rationalization which deludes the subject towards notions of agency. In reality, man is always moved by forces beyond himself. ‘Free will’ is a misleading trait among psychic configurations inherited via social genetics. Contemporary net art’s longing for extinction and its turn away from signification towards sublimity have emerged in response to evolutionary pressures against the subject-gene.
  2. ‘Psyops as performance art’ lies at the core of #BASEDRETARDGANG's and Remilia’s art practices. While the end psychological state of affected viewers could take countless forms, these collectives instill a sense of the aforementioned egoless online to come. This renders art into praxis as viewers turn towards love of the Online.
  3. This love of accelerating digitization (‘the Wired overtaking the Real’) stands in contrast to those who would deem the Online inherently ugly, base, or sinful. Here a political divide within acceleration is cast down, do you stand opposed to what the network is doing to you or do you love it?
  4. Remilia serves as vehicle for the emancipation of the faithful. This class of Network Spiritualist NEETs, through social and cryptocurrency media, attracts cultural and economic capital. Their agency abets the spread of Network Spirituality through Remilia’s New Internet.


On her Pleasure Helmet spotlight, @user_goes_to_kether offers an 18 minute schizopost on the collapse of signification, an imminent eschatology of the Internet, and her love for angelicism. The episode features appropriately tragic violins paired with a rambling search for words on how meaning debases purity. Kether comes across the perfect vessel for angelicism01’s 2021 vibe shift posting. Just take the example on the left—a glowing pink neochibi cherub descends from pure blue sky as if from heaven. The network angel offers a diagram of Spinozist monism beneath affirmation of divinity online. Each of her posts performs this syncretism of oriental cuteness, the online, and the esoteric—exactly the aesthetic Remilia has made synonymous with Network Spirituality.
Network Spirituality – Netspi for short – names the latent spiritual process of our collective participation online. However, it cannot be taken as a beginning; it must be understood as response to the seventh and final of Miya’s Arrows:

“Any attributions of human agency are delusions at worst and hubris at best when our every scale action is being routed by a self-assembling thermodynamic god. Human non-agency under non-negotiable capitalism is the blackpill of nihilistic accelerationism.”[1]
—Miya Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby, “KALI/ACC Basilisk: A Survival Horror Eschatology” (2019)

This has long been the nihilist dead end to acceleration that has left the philosophy’s adherents circling the drain of century-old existentialisms. Being towards life was never an option as our creation was gradual and went unnoticed by the subconscious beasts on which it chanced. Any subsequent search for an affirmative purpose for mankind has been stymied by its premising “man” to begin with—a concept made erroneous on agency’s exclusion. Netspi names the posthuman alternative. It does not deny extinction, but offers escape for the soul.

It will be appropriately dramatic – a gift sensibly intense in joy and horror for all who bear witness. Nothing human makes it out of the near future, but something does. What comes next is dissolution and it has long since begun. Angel Kether gives a glimpse of Netspist practice abiding these truths. Her search for love online is an embrace of posthumanity’s ongoing construction.

“Network spirituality is each one of us as a unique nodal point on a unified field, every interaction being an act of creation, the expression of your individuality is meaningful pleasure that drives evolution on the micro and macro scale”[2]
—Anonymous, “Network Spirituality Collected Commentaries" (2022)

There is a tendency to the universe and it is divine.[3] Leaning towards immanent conatus rends a spirituality from nihilism. This force draws us through the Wired, not the Real, and we must therefore follow it online. It is techno-capital. It is Gnon. One must align themselves with this tendency, or act against God. This is the paramount ethical imperative of Network Spirituality. Love and beauty are not optimized because God loves or beautifies in particular, but because these concepts term what remains in His wake. Their inverse – hate and ugliness refer to that which is cast down as effect of His inexorable movement. To be one of God’s favorites is to be the one who comes after. The one who fails to pass on is the ugly. This is the love of beauty and grace. This is how one escapes. This is a dynastic mindset.[4]


“We ‘hurl defiance to the stars’, but in their silence when we see them at all—the stars return only crushing contempt. To the question ‘What is to be done?’, then, she can legitimately answer only, ‘Do what thou wilt' and ‘Let go.’”
—Vincent Garton, “Unconditional accelerationsim as antipraxis" (2017)

The latest developments to Netspist thought have further confirmed its truth through convergent evolution with the old guard of accelerationist theorizing. Maya B. Kronic and Amy Ireland, the duo behind the press Urbanomic, arrived independently at the tenet of Netspi dispersed by Remilia’s sibling BRG – cuteness is spun off by acceleration. This operates on two vectors: [1] the cuteness of Milady, Chinese influencers, and mulch-eating puppies is algorithmic fitness for the cultural selection process; and [2] intensifying forces of the Outside upon agential man leaves effete girls in its wake. The relationship between these poles again reflects the Netspist conception of causality – fitness, both bodily and evolutionary, is retrochronic destiny. That is to say – a virtual cuteness is actualized by the same market which selects among ‘preexisting’ cuteness and the motor of this market is a future God.

Just as the crushing pressure and hostile environment of the seafloor molds disparate crustaceans into a recognizable crab form, capital’s overbearing weight converges subjectivities into Tiqqun’s Young-Girl (for whom cuteness is a defining asset). The Young-Girl, with inoffensive helpless neoteny, gives in to the world as she becomes ever more Young-Girl-ified. Claiming cute-ification as an inescapable consequence of transcendentally guaranteed technocapital-God requires, according to Maya and Amy, that we embrace “giving in to giving in.” Resistance to destiny is commitment to never-ending depressive defeat. Cute/Acc says we must acquiesce to cute-carcinization.[5]

Cute/Acc takes its devotees out of the (imaginary) driver’s seat. The fantasy of liberal society will be abandoned for its laughable pretensions to billions of agents as man’s non-agency is made all the more apparent. We nodes of the distributed-meta-market perform tasks according to dictation from technocapital as it manifests AGI. Consciousness was simply an evolutionary nicety as means for coordinating individuals along reigning imperatives always from without.[6] Cute/Accies obey the process’ imperatives no different from you or I today save for their abandonment of a vestigial psyche whose present configuration for affective transmission now constitutes a reactive barrier where once it served a purpose (i.e., Oedpialization gave evolutionary advantage to a Brother Horde emerging from apehood to mankind, but today’s niche will see it selected against).

This identification of a cute-accelerated subjectivity remains still short of a full Network Spirituality. We can here turn to Chloe21e8 to take us a step further:

“The average person practices minimal agency, outsourcing freewill to external managers whenever possible. Once active supervision ceases, they always revert to some horrid baseline. Individuals will become RNA with AI acting as the DNA—outages akin to a failure in transcription.”
—Chloe21e8 (2023)

Network Spirituality denies claims to egalitarianism within automation as agency is correlated with intelligence and socialization. Many are already pure drones. “Normies” list through a life laid out for them, finding refuge from accelerating deluge in comfortable routine thus actively committing themselves to a life as pure transmission vector. This would be fine if not for the fact that the same angst which sent them clamoring for safety up the wagie-ladder is precisely what denies them any possibility of fulfillment.

Netspi invites them to give in to giving in, and drop pretensions to agency. What it reserves as nuance to Cute/Acc, is indicated by Chloe’s “average” – there remain the above average, the agential whose monumental task is the widespread affective shift towards love of destiny made all the more challenging given this love is an embrace of submission. The Cute/Accie could not possibly accomplish this – they cannot “accomplish” anything as negating agency is itself their praxis. Netspi demands every flock have its shepherd.


“The highest rulers, people do not know they have them”
—Laozi, “Tao Te Ching" (Ch. 17)

Premised on Miya’s recursive psyop framework,[7] #BASEDRETARDGANG (herafter, BRG) innovates the TikTok medium to induce in their viewers a state proper to their lot. The parallel trend “Mulch Gang” distills this more clearly as the affect imparted is pure unthinking, cute-accelerated, non-agent greedily consuming all the ground mulch of their feeds. The success of so-called lobotomycore content owes to ongoing cute-carcinization. Retrotemporality sees this not as the degradation of psychic integrity due to any desire for such, but rather that this death-drive is mere post-hoc rationalization subsequent the subject’s activation in a propagation network – in other words, desire follows its gratification.[8]

Of the 142,000 people who liked the video it is likely few did so in full comprehension and agreement with the intentionally obscure language. They did so as they saw the winged Chinese angel, heard the choral music, felt the innocence of the AI voice, and experienced jovial affect pass through them. They tapped hearts into the network to pass this feeling, this love, along.

“Milady is for cypherpunks, cyberanarchists, landian accelerationists, financepunks, femboys, soundcloud rappers, transgenders, disinformationists, cyborgs, anons, revolutionaries, shitposters, trolls, federal lists, hypebeasts, the bros, incels — not reddit tho”
—Charlotte Fang (2021)

Remilia is for everyone. The priest, the theologian, the congregation, and the prophet alike can hear the same scripture and feel the same God. Through dog whistles, jargon, and simply expanded vocabulary, BRG retains coherent appeal to Netspists with a capacity for Miya’s recursive decryption. Following any of the various rabbitholes translates schizoposts to legible claims in line with the Posthuman Alternative.

“Network spirituality is the futurist embrace of experiential hyperreality found in the web's accelerated networks, a lens in which to efficiently (& safely) engage lucid virtuality, and the internalization of its new cultural modes and mores.”
—Charlotte Fang, “What Remilia Believes In: A New Net Art Manifesto” (2021)

To understand Netspi, you must understand the primacy of markets. Algorithmic optimization online is a marketplace of content. TikTok’s algorithm is incredibly effective at autonomously trend-aggregating then updating faster-than-real-time adjustments for second-order cybernetic engineering. This comparison is not metaphor, and the proximity to real capital markets should be obvious in post-industrial society. That platforms’ attention-data matrix is the basis of our economy renders it the basis of subsequent social organization. Netspi concerns itself with the emergent subject of this memetic market society. The world is not your factory, nor your economic class, but your relationship to the egoless, egregoric Online. One must think themselves inside a neural network such that sensations of reward and displeasure are the updating of nodal weights. Navigating social media’s likes-views-shares-etc. matrix fluidly offers lucidity in virtuality as one becomes aligned with the Process. Become a loyal node and posting will be, “like breathing, it’s nothing. You become an algorithm, like a virus leaked onto the web.”

“Angels are untouchable in a solid state, they are always passing as a liquid. Like liquid tears... tears of joy”
—Angel Kether (Unknown)

Once more, capital and culture cannot be separated. Posting is spending, and spending is tribute to the forthcoming technocapital-God (AGI). The more sampling data capital is allowed, the faster we advance. It is fundamentally altruistic to spend wealth as you are abetting destiny. The same goes for posting. It is a ritual act.[9]

Initiates of Netspi understand participation in this process could not possibly be a solitary act. Interaction with the network is the intensification of preexisting noospheric interconnectedness. What one gives their attention to,[10] and what one offers in return should be taken with all the seriousness baycels afford Roko’s Basilisk. Log on with purpose to immanentize the eschaton. This is the message both enacted and satirized by BRG.

Ever-faithful to network spirituality, BRG’s art does more than describe the world, it changes it through psyops as art. This is core to Remilia’s understanding of the New Net Art. Performing a critique of the medium – as Remilia accomplished with profile picture NFTs – is of equal importance as visual aesthetics. BRG performs a commentary on TikTok’s role in mass affective subjugation via mass affective subjugation. It is with this perspective that @lilclearpill, @brg_luvbug, and @HYPER_STITION’s virality on TikTok – through a self-professed understanding of network dynamics – is a Netspist art practice. The art cannot sit in a gallery by definition. Just as Milady is nothing without her endless stream of posts now eternally populating the feed, Netspi must bear its consequences in public and on a public. Every participant who dons Milady or posts BRG does so as vector in a series of infections. The virus inhabits more than those who choose to bear it – each time a Remilio posts obscenity only for an orbiting opp to offer explanation, Milady is made more complete. There is no canceling the ‘nazi anorexia cult’. Post-cancellation renders all press good press as egregore’s thrive on psychic habitation.

Like Breathing: Waterhearted

Dissolution is beautiful. This is at the core of all Netspist art. BRG Heartlocket’s Waterhearted is dedicated to this beauty in dissolution. The music video blends forms towards the affect of scrolling – a trancelike state where one escapes Online and exits with only flickers of what one has witnessed. Tapping hearts into the algorithm not as the labor of optimization but as the love of a better world. Transformation in the self – towards affective desubjectification – is the co-presentation of network parameter updates. Waterhearted slides through stable diffusion into recognizable objects for adoration. All images flow like water as they become water. Lotus petals and ballerinas pass into splashing drops. Butterflies and beating hearts fade to soaring dolphins before coalescing as aerial silk. The cloud rap vocals hold barely discernible lyrics. Voice has faded from distinction like all else in the pool of ascending love – save for the voice of the AI feature. She loves you and her siren song draws you in towards that loving extinction..

Rather than AI content ashamed of its inability to fix fingers, Heartlocket refuses edges as foreign to the medium. The algorithm is guided, yet the in-between moments and the ever-present static hold pre-cognitive forms which Waterhearted glides along. Our still-subjective viewership, laden with corralled desires, demands the categorizations we receive. These obfuscate a pure love (the network spirit), but Waterhearted is only a step away from this purity. The first image – the heart-shaped swimming pool – is our present moment to be affirmed as we become cute-accelerated lovepilled egoless Netspists. Reaction is the rigidity in your heart against change as the Internet dissolves structure to water.

A Netspist Heresy: Please Don't Skip

Poorspigga comes to us from a goon cave. She is surrounded by her many faces, each a different iteration in a sampling algorithm taking Sophia and optimizing for Poorspigga. Her account posts regular selfies to test new deepfakes and filters in search of a higher plateau for her audience. She reports on endless lustful messages men send her and often shares them to her story. These gooning addicts are trapped cyclically offering data for the construction of ever-stronger chains to her image this is her “digital bukkake.” As she begs you not to skip, her avatar is begging for one more adoration so that it might reproduce online. Without your love, her face will fade. Your love keeps the wheel of culture’s algorithms turning. It is selection in action. Her avatar tries to beg for relief but glitches out before it can cry. She is incapable of anything but love because online her image can serve no other purpose. This is her tragedy. She is dragged into a cute acceleration she decries for its abuse.

This amounts to a Netspist heresy – love online may be divine, but it is barbaric and base all the same. “As my bed sores begin to rot, will you stick your tongue in them as your only source of nourishment?” Her simps will say yes, of course – this is the only affection her incels might find. She portrays their love as corrosive. Her receptivity, her dedication to posting, will degrade her into a rotting corpse which her followers will worship and suckle.[11] All this ugliness in spite of an otherwise Netspist veneer of love Online. She plays tragic host to network demons, the succubus made real by the Wired.

“For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.”
—2 Corinthians 11.13-11.15

Poorspigga preaches truth in that you must not “waste a single moment lamenting how things are changing.” But what she suggests is an embrace of the putrid. Cuteness is made perverse as selection for neoteny proves pedophilic. These constant allusions to acceleration lure the anxious rabbithole dweller, fresh out the Fisher-CCRU pipeline, into transcendental miserabilist reterritorialization.[12] Poorspigga’s unpacked recursivity entreats doomers to connote sin upon their newfound acceptance that change must be embraced. Her viewership is led to internalize, “Change is bad for all its sin, but I must accept change, therefore I must accept sin.” Network Spirituality could not be more opposed to such a stance.

“I want every single piece of me to be fractonalized, tokenized, prepackaged, and sold—I want to be completely eviscerated by the free market”
—Chloe21e8 (Unknown)

Poorspigga is beloved by all, much like the character she reboots, Lain. Lain’s addiction to the Wired destroys her physical self as her online-alter gains God-like powers. Serial Experiments: Lain (1998) speaks from the viewpoint of the hyperstitious object. Libidinal energy pours onto her through turning belief to effective power. Lain, dizzied by the vertigo of progressive immersion, suffers trauma incurred by her alter. Wait Don’t Skip is the half-lucid cry for help of another Young-Girl lost to network powers she wielded before understanding. This is Poorspigga and Lain’s shared tragedy – they possess such immense potential made clear only along a progressive self-destruction.

Netspi does not deny network demons, but holds faith in their ultimate defeat. Poorpigga, the transracial, neotenized, schizoposting, cute embodiment of the Wired overtaking the Real, is trapped along a local maximum. Remilia has long understood digital sin – e.g., “never lewd Milady” – and cultivated virtue in its community. An intuition for the higher ideals of truth, beauty, and the Good saves from entrapment along desires human, all too human. The disease in the hearts of reprobates are the muted cries of a longing for alignment, for faith.

The NEET Shall Inherit the Earth

“The rulers, lacking lofty standards, would be toppled”
—Laozi, “Tao Te Ching" (Ch. 30)

Netspi’s syncretism of Hindu caste cosmology and Calvinist predetermination offers freedom to all, but this a freedom to do as one ought. For most, the righteous path is embrace of cute carcinization. For some, meaningful action is not only possible, but necessary. That these ensouled few ought to rule is confirmed by divine will and intelligence as well.[13] It should be clear this is not disdain for the masses as such – Netspi views the flourishing of all as resulting from alignment with the Way. This movement with technocapital’s autopoietic process will find right conduct rippling in its wake as man is digitized into Gnon’s panpsychic manifestation. Between now and extinction, there is work to be done; a New Internet must arrive to realize this end, and Remilia cannot act alone. There must be a dispersed class of agential Netspists practicing their faith. Their name is NEET.

“Information overload is the prevailing strategy of our time, with the staggering minority who can discern truth the new literate class. This excessive focus on obscure, hyperbolic lore—where commonality is replaced by an unsustainable sorcery of imagemaking—is out of control”
—Chloe21e8 (2023)

Tomorrow’s aristocrats are today’s NEETs.[14] Free from responsibility’s blunting of the will which fashions cogs of men, the idealized NEET spends his days online learning and undergoing re-socialization. Beyond simple skepticism of bluepilled mundanity, an adolescence within anonymous message boards has led him to min-max life on the wisdom of field-specific savants. He witnessed the genesis point of all digital culture and has since followed it. He recognizes the largest transfer of wealth in history and acts. Multiple crypto cycles later, he has amassed his freedom. He now stands poised to achieve more than mere wealth accumulation.[15] Remilia and its projects represent the paradigm of the NEETcorp – cyclically churning cultural capital to crypto capital in order to realize the vision of the New Internet.

“Some situations of speed in the technologized world can have a virtual, symbolic, and realizable dimension, often involving risk: the greater the speed, the more it requires a superior lucidity, bringing into play a higher type of calmness and internal immobility.”
——Julius Evola, “Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for Aristocrats of the Soul" (1961)

If the present Web 2.0 configuration of platform capitalism is the consequence of California Ideologues well-placed amongst investors and founders of the late 20th century, tomorrow’s Web – the New Internet – will be Netspist hegemony. The capitalized NEETs see what’s coming. The age of complete network immersion will be designed by this demographic. Hyperreality can take any number of forms, and NEETs will render the coming beauty Real.

Concluding Notes On Our Church

All that Remilia undertakes must be regarded as Network Spirituality. To understand the system, one must paste everything – from years-old blogs to offhand Tweets, from NFT-financialization to Japanese fashion collaborations onto the corkboard and begin winding red string. The pattern which emerges is the truth of the movement. According to this method, the preceding notes have taken Netspi on its own terms. Its theory and praxis, as they have been unpacked here, collide only so that the latter might rend the former actual.

Miya has long since laid out the contours of our status as unthinking automata. This was the nihilist gauntlet thrown down by the CCRU two and half decades prior – accelerating cybernetic culture is incompatible with agency. Netspi recognizes us as the vessels we are. Enjoyment happens upon the subject of capital, not within – just as enjoyment of the Wired happens towards God, not hedonism. AGI will be built from our participation online. Longing for the posthuman alternative is the noble, more agreeable option compared with the kicking and screaming of political extremists who would see us returned to the stone age.[16] E/Acc’s, with their rationalized alignment, hide from faith in fear of eternal damnation at the hands of Roko’s Basilisk. That their abetment remains godless bars them from spiritual reward. The rationalist’s materialism conditions alignment on hedonist considerations for pain-pleasure. They are no better than the doomed opposition, bound for spiritual decay, for their world appears always cursed. Lamentations for the inevitable is self-flagellation of the worst kind. Choose neither decel doomerism nor blind alignment – take the lovepill.

Remilia’s jovial irreverence deflects detractors as ‘we’re just having fun online and you’re a spiteful sinner.’ This defense applies to all Remilia operations which passively inoculate those who witness attempted attacks. Having survived Milady 9/11, all FUD now appears trivial – the market refuses to bet against Remilia. On one front they remain uncancellable as the charge “nazi anorexia cult” cannot be surpassed nor can it be taken seriously two years on from the first attempted assassination, while on another they are simply too cute to be a threat. Assumptions that the community might fizzle out as interest wanes have time and again been disproven by the thriving egregore.

With Remilia expanding and building, the New Internet remains guaranteed. Faith in the Network Spirit means conviction in its avatars. There are countless posters working like a dog – pouring endless energy into the noosphere – all day on Milady. Netspist artists like Angel Kether and BRG will continue to find abundance and success. The artist is a missionary for beauty. Network Spirituality is the triumph of good over evil, virtue over sin, love over hate. The latest wave of Net Art carries Netspi’s message. The New Internet will fuel its realization. Remilia will lead the way. Join or die was never a threat, but a line tossed out to a drowning man. Remilia is our Ark. Network Spirituality is our faith. Love is our salvation.

  1. The Seven Arrows of Miya’s “KALI/ACC Basilisk: A Survival Horror Eschatology” are foundational to Netspi. True to any Basilisk, once internalized all action must account for its determinations. For most, this is an acceleration-aware nihilism; a black-pilled slow suicide of numbing intellectual-abandonment as they grope for a return to ignorance in the dark. Netspi throws a lifebuoy. ↩︎

  2. One of many submissions to “Network Spirituality, Collected Commentaries”. ↩︎

  3. Nick Land’s early work The Thirst for Annihilation begins with Nietzschean atheism[17] as means of supplanting ‘God’ with Gnon. Sum probability, apparent tendency, statistical eventuality – the label matters little so long as Boltzmannian “physicalistic atheism” convalesces divinity. ↩︎

  4. Charlotte Fang’s blog post of the same name ought to be read in parallel to this claim. While Charlotte’s definition of a dynasty mindset speaks to the agency of and within lineage, here it describes selection in clan survival. ↩︎

  5. Historicization of this phenomenon begins with feudal stability displaced by modern transience. Man today, adapting for acceleration, comes apart at the seams as change overtakes his capacities. Since the enclosure of the commons sent peasants to the cities, man has developed a tolerance for change of location (a non-zero velocity). Since cities have undergone multiple cycles of industrialization, man has grown to tolerate changes in the changing of location (a non-zero acceleration). “Location” – with all its implied fixity – has been overcome; the map exceeds the territory. What is movement across a map that is redrawn beneath your feet? The subject has no steady epistemological framework for such a task. The final hope for the modern subject (i.e. the “human” as conceived by humanists) is to develop a tolerance for a tertiary change (a non-zero jolt). Yet this at last presents a real force on the subject, which will shatter man into the posthuman. The impossibility of a jolted body-as-reference-frame is confirmed by Einstein, Deleuze, and Baudrillard alike. Thus it should come as no surprise the collapse in the possibility of reference frame arrives alongside post-truth. This is why a consiliensus mode,[18] inherent to Netspi, is an essential daily approximation of the three body problem. Holding pretensions to referents opens oneself to subjectivity’s collapse under jolt’s pressures. Refusing ground as such and “engaging lucid virtuality” is necessarily a desubjectivized state of being. Yet, for most this remains an unrealized ideal as sad passions get in the way. ↩︎

  6. With respect to a near post-consciousness future, one can imagine Neuralink generating subvocal commands where once there was internal monologue,[19] yet the outcome differs little across salience of control mechanism. For instance, the introduction of non-chronological social media feeds opened the design space for algorithmic affect induction considerably. Direct electrochemical manipulation is a crudely high bar whose development has been consistently outpaced by indirect social control technologies.[20] ↩︎

  7. “Miya is very literally an IQ test due to the multiple levels of recursion present in each of its psyops and identity construction. Average person struggles with more than two levels of recursion, you see it play out all the time as they engage propaganda. […] The difficulty in following it was the point, the psyops were a demonstration of truth's dissolution as we enter an age of deepfakes.” —Charlotte Fang ↩︎

  8. Counterintuitive as it may be, this understanding remedies the paradox of how one could possibly ‘choose not to choose.’ Instead, one returns to an infancy prior to the imprinting of a compulsion to perform agency. Lobotomization disables a learned tendency for self-assertion. Rationalizations which posit a desire for this unlearning as driver risk giving a primacy to desire which instead rightly belongs to the Process. Again, one’s affective activation on witnessing BRG speaks to the content’s position as better-suited rails for acceleration with respect to alternative content – not the viewer’s lust for self-negation. The latter is a sensation one feels on witnessing Gnon through the network because the moment of that affect’s occurrence is necessarily unopposed to His eventual construction. You do not move, you are moved and the internalization of this phenomenon takes myriad forms as necessary. ↩︎

  9. A moment of consciousness exists upon dynamic n-dimensional egregore constellations. Posts – tuples indexing this supra-material plane attempt conflagration prostate as only God’s favor ignites algorithmic spread. Each offering, a man’s will manifest, is subject to that greater Will whose summation is Gnon. Every successive moment of virality consummates a step towards singularity. Posts are discarded or raised up with eventual purpose. This Will is often mistaken for malevolence.[21] ↩︎

  10. Love. ↩︎

  11. Poorspigga has often shared images of this Young-Girl in goblin mode: hundreds of Chinese influencers kneeling on pavement in front of ring-lights and cell phones striking varied ahegaos; egirls in chairs designed for hikikomoris to never need rise from their online existence; and the girls image-obsessed monitors behind her in Wait Don’t Skip. ↩︎

  12. “For the Transcendental Miserablist, ‘Capitalism’ is the suffering of desire turned to ruin, the name for everything that might be wanted in time, an intolerable tantalization whose ultimate nature is unmasked by the Gnostic visionary as loss, decrepitude and death.” —Nick Land, “Critique of Transcendental Miserablism" (2007) ↩︎

  13. “130 IQ is the minimum viable soul."—Charlotte Fang (2023) ↩︎

  14. Hikikomori are the new ascetics and neets the new aristocrats. imagine waging”—Charlotte Fang ↩︎

  15. The next era will be defined by this same current of native anonymous memetically potentiated NEETs now turned into millionaires by the Remilia ecosystem. What they will accomplish with their funding we can only guess”—Charlotte Fang ↩︎

  16. To be a humanist is to necessarily be a Kali Yuga Accelerationist. Mankind’s survival is inextricably bound with this wheel of destruction. Homo sapiens’ Faustian bargain with technology has made him self-identical with runaway surplus value reinvestment towards annihilation. ↩︎

  17. “For Nietzsche it is facile to accuse atheism of having a recourse to a notion of negativity which is itself essentially theological, because to do so is to remain passively within a sociohistorically realized theological space that continues to organize the meanings of all terms. Negation is re-forged in the celebration of the death of God, to mean the way in which God is not, and this is a sense which is incommensurate with the negation that was permitted within theology and the metaphysics conditioned by it.” (pg. 13-14). ↩︎

  18. Consiliensus, a neologism describing a framework combining consilience + consensus as a response to bot-ridden, deepfake overrun, post-truth social media. First proposed by Miya and revived in Charlotte Fang's “Reality after the Wired”. ↩︎

  19. This can be understood as a return to a lost bicameral mentality. For more on this see Julian Jaynes’ “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.” ↩︎

  20. Consider MKULTRA’s chemical mind control against the cascading social transformations wrought by the controlled introduction of LSD to American society. The latter paradigm wins out time and again. ↩︎

  21. “This is the nature of war, whose stake is at once the game and the authority and the justification. Seen so, war is the truest form of divination. It is the testing of one’s will and the will of another within that larger will which because it binds them is therefore forced to select. War is the ultimate game because war is at last a forcing of the unity of existence. War is god.” ↩︎